Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tosha Caston-Smith shared What psychology tells us about student achievement — and how... with you.

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What psychology tells us about student achievement — and how it is ignored
What psychology tells us about student achievement — and how it is ignored / Valerie Strauss Modern school reform has focused primarily on "accountability" measures — or, how to hold students, teachers, principals, schools and districts "account... read more
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Struggle Means Learning: Difference in Eastern and Western Cultures | MindShift

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

3 Things That Have Slowed the Change Process Down in Education (And What We Can Do About It)

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3 Things That Have Slowed the Change Process Down in Education (And What We Can Do About It) - There has been a lot of talk on the idea that education as a whole takes a long time to change. As an educator, this is a challenging notion, since we are seeing many people doing some amazing things that did not exist when I was a student. Change is happening but sometimes it is hard to see when you are in the middle of the process.

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Why you should care about other people's kids

Why you should care about other people's kids

Why you should care about other people's kids

Photo by Imgorthand/Vetta via Getty Images.

Photo by Imgorthand/Vetta via Getty Images.

Editor's Note: In the 1950s, Robert Putnam's father was a small businessman in Port Clinton, Ohio, where Putnam grew up. The Harvard professor, of "Bowling Alone" fame, estimates that 40 percent of his classmates' parents did not finish high school. So already, his father was a step above. But his peers weren't doomed to their parents' fate. Apart from the racism and homophobia that was all too common in the 1950s, the American Dream "sort of existed" in Port Clinton, Putnam argues in his new book, "Our Kids." Eighty percent of his classmates, he says, exceeded their parents' level of education, with about 50 percent of them graduating college.

Putnam, Robert.Our Kids

That kind of intergenerational social mobility no longer exists in Port Clinton. And this is not just a rust belt story. In Orange County, California, in Austin, Atlanta and Philadelphia, Putnam saw "split screens" — radically divergent trajectories for kids coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Social immobility is a topic we've long explored on Making Sen$e, investigating its connection to economic inequality in our series on "The Great Gatsby Curve." Meanwhile, author Gregory Clark has argued on this page that your economic prosperity is an evolutionary result of the genetic cards you're dealt.

But how could America have become so much more segregated by class in just a generation or two? Especially when, in the past 30 to 40 years, America has become more religiously and racially integrated?

Putnam's new book, just published this week, is based on his study of his childhood hometown, and is the subject of Making Sen$e Thursday on the NewsHour. Watch the full report at the bottom of this post to see Paul Solman tour the town with Putnam and hear from some of Putnam's classmates about how little economic differences mattered during their childhood.

For a deeper look at why that's no longer the case today, read Paul's extended conversation with Putnam, edited and condensed for clarity, below. Plus, learn how some Port Clinton residents are tackling the socioeconomic divide.

Simone Pathe, Making Sen$e Editor

RP: What we know has happened, nationwide and here in Port Clinton over the last 30 or 40 years, is that America has become a much more segregated society in social class terms. In religious and racial terms, we're more integrated; we're more likely to be living with people of a different race or religion; we're more likely to go to school with people of a different race or religion; we're more likely to marry people of a different race or religion. But in social class terms, economic terms, we're less likely – much less likely now – to live near people of a different social class; we're much less likely to go to school with people of a different social class; we're less likely to bowl with people of a different social class; and we're less likely to marry people of a different class.

And so America is silently but really importantly becoming increasingly segregated by how much you earn and how much education you have. Rich kids and poor kids are growing up in completely different worlds now.

PS: I remember in 1971, Richard Herrnstein in the psychology department at Harvard, wrote a piece in The Atlantic saying that this was going to happen. I think he called it "assortative mating." He said that as we get further and further apart in terms of education, the educated will marry each other, and whether it's genetic or just how they bring up their kids, it's going to be more and more different from the people who are marrying each other at lower social class levels.

RP: That's true, Paul, and in the course of this research I've thought a lot about those two possibilities. Is it the resources that the two people put together or is it the genes that the two people put together? And I've talked to a lot of geneticists and it's perfectly clear that the degree of pulling apart that we have seen is way too big and way too fast to be explained by genetic evolution. There's just not enough generations that have succeeded.

PS: But genetics could be a factor?

RP: Yeah, It could be a factor, but genetics is way too slow moving a process of sorting to account for the really rapid changes that we have seen over the past 30 years. It's almost certainly not genetics. It's the accumulation of actual resources: monetary resources, cultural resources, social resources, educational resources — and that pulling apart means that poor kids and rich kids, even of the same IQ, are living in completely different worlds now. That's leading us down the road toward, frankly, a caste society.

PS: Aren't there schools like Harvard out there scouting for the high IQ kids in the poor neighborhoods?

RP: Sure, but it's not just about IQ. It's about whether you have the capacity and have had the experiences, the education and training, and you have the grit and the determination to be able to make it through a really demanding college education.

PS: Or just the good habits.

RP: Yeah, good habits is an important part of it. We know now from the recent developments in brain science that the IQ of a person is determined in part by how often their parents read to them between [ages] zero and four.

My granddaughter, who's now in college, got read to many times by her mom and her dad, and by my wife and me. And there's a girl here in Port Clinton, same age as my daughter, who grew up in a completely different economic background than our grandchildren. She never got read to, and in fact was isolated, kept in her room alone with a yellow mouse most of her young life. And that young woman, whom we call Mary-Sue in the book, I'm certain has a lower IQ than my [granddaughter]. But it's not because one's the granddaughter of a Harvard professor and one's not. It's that one got lots of brain stimulation and the other didn't. The recent brain science says that each time you read to your child, the child's brain is actually developing. So lots of what we might think of as genetic actually isn't – it's really early experiences in life that are different, depending on whether your parents are coming from an upper class background or a lower class background.

PS: Sure, but Herrnstein's point was that it could be genetic, it could be nurture, but that sort of mating is happening and it's going to pose a huge inequality problem in this country.

RP: He's right. And if it were just genetics, there might not be anything we could do about it. But if it's partly just the resources that we're investing in these kids, which is my thesis, that's fixable in principle. That's not like a law of genetics. My argument is basically we need to think of these kids coming from poor backgrounds and broken homes – they're also our kids.

"Over this last 30, 40, 50 years, the meaning of 'our kids' has narrowed and narrowed and narrowed so that now when people say, 'We've got to do something for our kids,' they mean MY biological kids."

When I was growing up in Port Clinton 50 years ago, my parents talked about, "We've got to do things for our kids. We've got to pay higher taxes so our kids can have a better swimming pool, or we've got to pay higher taxes so we can have a new French department in school," or whatever. When they said that, they did not just mean my sister and me — it was all the kids here in town, of all sorts. But what's happened, and this is sort of the bowling alone story, is that over this last 30, 40, 50 years, the meaning of "our kids" has narrowed and narrowed and narrowed so that now when people say, "We've got to do something for our kids," they mean MY biological kids.

PS: Yeah, absolutely. Because parents and grandparents think, well, wait a second, in the days when it wasn't so different, we didn't worry, but now we want them on the bus, as opposed to off the bus.

RP: Yeah, but you see I don't think it's quite as zero sum as that. The evidence suggests that when in American history we've invested more in the education of less well-off kids, it's been good for everybody. My grandchildren are going to pay a huge price in their adult life because there's a bunch of other kids, in principle just as productive as them, who didn't get investments from their family and community, and therefore are not productive citizens. The best economic estimates are that the costs to everybody, including my own grandchildren, of not investing in those "other people's kids" are going to be very high.

PS: Why? And how high?

RP: Well, partly it's because people on that lower trajectory are going to commit more crime. We're going to have to spend more on prisons. If we have a lot of kids who don't have any way to earn a living, it's going to cost us more. The estimates are that the crime part, alone, will cut a little more than 1 percent off our GDP every year.

The second big cost is health. The kids who are down at the bottom — they're increasingly likely to be obese. There's no adolescent obesity epidemic in America, except among poor kids, and that means those poor kids are going to get more diabetes, have more heart disease and are going to be costing us a lot more.

The biggest of all of these is those kids are not going to be contributing productively to the economy of all of us. So let's take the kid in the book named David. He has no useful skills because of his background, and therefore, is not going to be a productive member of the Port Clinton economy.

This additional cost that we're paying because we're not investing in these kids is not because they're going to [go on] welfare. We could be as mean-hearted, as Scrooge-like as we want to and we'd still be paying on the order of magnitude of 3 to 4 percent a year because of the inadequacies of what we're providing to these poor kids.

This is partly, of course, a matter of altruism. It's just not fair that these kids don't have a fair chance in life. They didn't make any mistake. Their parents maybe made the mistakes. But it's also self-interest. I don't want my grandchildren to be having to work extra hard just to pay for investments that would have been a lot cheaper if we'd invested back when these kids were all young.

"America's best investment ever, in the whole history of our country, was to invest in the public high school and secondary school at the beginning of the 20th century."

PS: But liberals like you make this argument about all kinds of things, like infrastructure or education: pay now or you'll pay more later. Americans feel that they're already paying enough in taxes and they don't trust that those investments will be made efficiently enough.

RP: America's best investment ever, in the whole history of our country, was to invest in the public high school and secondary school at the beginning of the 20th century. It dramatically raised the growth rate of America because it was a huge investment in human capital. The best economic analyses now say that investment in the public high schools in 1910 accounted for all of the growth of the American economy between then and about 1970. That huge investment paid off for everybody. Everybody in America had a higher income.

Now, some rich farmer could have said, "Well, why should I be paying for those other kids to go to high school? My kids are already off in Chicago and I don't care about [other kids]." But most people in America didn't. This was not something hatched in Washington – small town people got together and said, "Look, we ought to do this for our kids… We ought to have a high school so that every kid who grows up here — they're all our kids — gets a good high school education."

PS: But now American taxpayers look at the public education system and say that it's not turning out productive workers, and so throwing more money at the problem is throwing more good money after bad.

RP: Americans like to blame everything on the public school system. K-12 is not the cause of the growing opportunity gap. It may not be doing enough to close the gap, but the causes of the gap lie outside the schools. They lie in families and in communities and in the rest of society, and we're asking schools to narrow that gap… Actually, the best evidence suggests that we should be investing in really early childhood education, and that the earlier the better, because the evidence shows that there is a very high rate of return.

PS: I've heard this my entire reportorial career – that the earlier you invest, the better off we are, the higher the payoff. But we don't do it.

RP: Early childhood education is an area in which some of the most interesting work is being done in the deepest red states, not in, you know, deep blue Massachusetts. Oklahoma, for example, has one of the best, maybe the best comprehensive early child education program. This investment is not yet seen as a partisan issue, and it shouldn't be a partisan issue. The notion that all of us have a shared interest in investing in our shared future, which is these kids, is not and has not historically been a partisan issue.

Watch Paul Solman's segment with Putnam in Port Clinton below:

And watch Paul's 2010 conversation with Putnam about his book "American Grace" about religiosity in the U.S.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Algebra Tiles- from counting to completing the square

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Algebra Tiles- from counting to completing the square - I have become increasingly interested in visual models recently as a way of introducing topics. Visual models have the power to illustrate concepts in their rawest, simplest form without the misleading associations that words and abstract notation can introduce. I'm convinced concrete/visual model introductions should form an increased part of my practice, but the question that interests me is which visual models should I use? There are obviously many considerations, but one is how comprehensively they cover the syllabus. A visual model that demonstrates expanding brackets particularly well would not be that useful if it could not also demonstrate the concept of factorising. Through much reading I believe I have found two visual models that cover the vast majority of number and algebra topics. They are almost mutually exclusive too, complementing each other by covering different, rather than overlapping parts of the curriculum.

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

A New Visual on Flipped Learning

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A New Visual on Flipped Learning - Here is another excellent graphic on flipped learning that we want to bring to your attention. As you see below, "Flipped Learning: The Big Picture" provides a visual illustration of the concept of flipped learning in terms of what it has to offer to students learning both in class and at home. According to this graphic, flipped learning positively impact the learning that takes place in the classroom in the sense that it:Encourages student understanding, enables differentiation, ensures access to expert support, enables student engagement, creates a supportive learning environment, and provides opportunities for collaboration. Read on to learn more about how flipped learning supports students learning.

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Finland’s Latest Educational Move Will Produce a Generation of Entrepreneurs | Singularity HUB

Finland's Latest Educational Move Will Produce a Generation of Entrepreneurs | Singularity HUB

Finland's Latest Educational Move Will Produce a Generation of Entrepreneurs

Last Friday marked the fifth anniversary of the iPad, a device heralded for triggering the broad adoption of tablet computers and for further spurring our always-connected, digital lives.

Like the iPod and iPhone before it, the iPad significantly impacted a number of industries, with education touted as near the top of the list. Considering that the iPad delivers a thriving ecosystem of multimedia-rich apps and ebooks together with a design accessible to young and old alike, the device was targeted early as a boon to for learners. In fact, numerous studies have shown the benefit of iPads to students, whether at the kindergarten level or in medical school.

For decades, computers have assisted learners with skills taught early on, such as basic mathematics, spelling, and memorization. Today, web-connected devices are everywhere. The technology is cheaper, faster, more powerful, and able to instantly draw on the growing body of information available in digital form.

Students of any age now have access to encyclopedia-like articles on Wikipedia, tutorial videos on YouTube (from sites like Khan Academy), Q&A sites like Quora, and niche communities engaged in in-depth discussions on reddit, among other tools like peer-to-peer sharing. In fact, these same tools are helping some adults transition into new careers in lieu of investing massive resources to return to college to pursue another degree.

For entire generations of young students looking to educational systems to prepare them for their future careers, the ubiquitous nature of this on-demand, easily discoverable knowledge makes classic school subjects seem archaic, slow-paced and inapplicable to daily life. As a result, we must reform education to properly prepare students for life and careers in the technology-driven 21st century—but how?

Finland believes it has an answer.

Recently, the country announced it plans to replace traditional school subjects with a topical approach by 2020. Instead of students having a series of classes, like language, math, or history, they'd study cross-subject topics in groups over the course of a few weeks that include components of many subjects as part of the lessons.

"What we need now is a different kind of education to prepare people for working life," said Pasi Silander, Helsinki's development manager, speaking to The Independent about the pilot program. Citing the technology students have access to today, he added, "We therefore have to make the changes in education that are necessary for industry and modern society."

Silander said about 70 percent of Finnish high school teachers have already received training in the "phenomenon-based" approach, which began testing two years ago. So far student outcomes have improved and teacher response has been positive.

Marjo Kyllonen, Helsinki's education manager, who leads the initiative said, "We really need a rethinking of education and a redesigning of our system, so it prepares our children for the future with the skills that are needed for today and tomorrow."

The new approach aims to encourage different kinds of learning, shifting from facts to problem solving, individual work to collaboration. In other words, instead of skill-oriented instruction, this topical structure prioritizes the four Cs—communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration—skills that are central to working in teams, a reflection of the 'hyperconnected' world we live in today.

Interestingly, this approach is similar to a homeschooling method called Unit Studies, a throwback to the one-room schoolhouse with students of multiple ages working together but at different skills and levels of understanding. Of course, this method is convenient for homeschooling families with multiple children and minimal resources, but modern workplace teams also consist of people at various skills levels with limited budgets. Additionally, U.S. homeschoolers don't always have access to the latest technologies beyond the Internet. Curiously, this parallels the Finnish school systems, which have relied on innovative teaching methodologies instead of educational technologies to consistently perform better than American students.

That doesn't mean that iPads in the classroom are a bad thing, but they're a tool—their mere presence doesn't ensure useful learning. The choice to reform Finland's educational system with new methods rather than new tablets speaks volumes to this.

Redefining education is critical to envisioning the future of work for the next generation, and that ultimately means assessing which skills are less prone to disruption from automation fueled by robotics and artificial intelligence. Skills that will take the longest for exponential technologies to replace, that is, still make humans useful, are in fact the four Cs.

Not coincidentally, the four Cs are also core skills essential to entrepreneurship.

So Finland is not just being reactionary to technological disruption in the education space, but progressively building the kind of future workforce the country needs—essentially, they're preparing a generation of entrepreneurs.

As powerful technologies increasingly make their way into the hands of the masses, and menial work is automated, it's hard to argue against the Finnish strategy. Staying competitive in the coming years will require ever more flexibility and creativity for every country looking to raise their future workforce.

Technologies like the iPad are incredible to learners and nonlearners alike, but they are tools, not surrogates, of education. By focusing on empowering students with the four Cs, Finland's reform will develop a generation of entrepreneurs to build tools and technologies not even imagined yet.

[image credit: aerial view of Helsinki courtesy of Shutterstock]

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Why Talking About the Brain Can Empower Learners | MindShift

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success — Atlantic Mobile

"As for accountability of teachers and administrators, Sahlberg shrugs. "There's no word for accountability in Finnish," he later told an audience at the Teachers College of Columbia University. "Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted." 

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How Does the Brain Learn Best? Smart Studying Strategies | MindShift

Forgetting is a crucial part of learning. Space out study times. Study in different places. Quiz yourself or tell a friend all about it.

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