Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do you have different criteria for all the different projects students do?

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Do you have different criteria for all the different projects students do? - Planning to Involve Students in Assessment in the Service of Their Learning Involving students in the classroom assessment proc...

Planning for Reliable and Valid Evidence of Learning Planning the evidence of learning is critical to ensuring that teach...

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Boom-Bang Homework Assignments | Edutopia

Beautifully expressed - it is the thoughtful description of the thinking behind homework that makes a difference. When homework is visualized, kids can see themselves doing it, and when the homework leads to work followed up on in class, kids don't want to be left out of the fun of discussions or whatever you're doing that day.

Call on all the people who aren't volunteering sometimes. Ask the frequent volunteers to help pull their friends and classmates into the conversation. Ask the kids ahead of time to support their classmates and make this class a community. Everyone in the room is "us" not "you."

Sent from Tosha Caston-Smith's iPad

Thursday, August 14, 2014

ASCD EDge -Does Tech Hold Educators Back?

Focus on what needs to be learned, not the tech. The tech is only the tool. Thinking, evaluating, composing, these are the goals.

Sent from Tosha Caston-Smith's iPad

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Supporting the Teacher Maker Movement | Edutopia

Supportive administrators and departments are the key to success for teachers willing to create new ways of teaching. And yes, please come in my room. I was so happy to have an administrator visit on day one. I love Spain Park!

Sent from Tosha Caston-Smith's iPad

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Allie’s Rules for High School : Sandra Stanley

Wonderful rules for high school, girls. A thoughtful young woman not much older than you wrote them for her freshmen girls' group.

Sent from Tosha Caston-Smith's iPad