Sunday, July 27, 2014

8 Tips for Reaching Out to Parents | Edutopia

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Literature, Ethics, Physics: It’s All In Video Games At This Norwegian School | MindShift

While I'm not planning to use games, the concept of students working together collaboratively to solve real-world problems appeals to me. Helping students design their own research and moving kids to do something together to try to solve a problem might be a strong research project. Think about what we could do with all my students focused on a local, regional, or national problem.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Neuroscience Behind Stress and Learning | Edutopia

This is part of my belief system in the classroom, too. I try to teach them how to plan, how to study, how to be independent. We even work on handling stress throughout the year.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

How To Cite Social Media In Scholarly Writing

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How To Cite Social Media In Scholarly Writing - So when we saw the very useful teachbytes graphic above making some noise on pinterest on several different popular #edtech websites, it reminded us of the constant demands changing technologies place on existing ways we do business.

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Learning Secret: Don’t Take Notes with a Laptop - Scientific American

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" -- Dori, Finding Nemo :-)

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Over 1 Million Chromebooks Sold to Schools in Q2 2014 (EdSurge News)

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Over 1 Million Chromebooks Sold to Schools in Q2 2014 (EdSurge News) - OVER ONE MILLION SERVED: With the debate over devices heating up, we're going to be keeping tally of the score--especially when it comes to device purchases. Google claims "schools bought more than 1 million Chromebooks in the second quarter of 2014." According to market research firm, Futuresource Consulting, Chromebooks accounted for 20% of all devices purchased in the education market in 2013.

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Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Things Every Teacher Should Know How To Do With Google Docs

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10 Things Every Teacher Should Know How To Do With Google Docs - Google Docs is a powerful word processing tool that many schools have adopted. As it's similar to Microsoft Word and other word processing tools, most of its features are intuitive to use. However, in addition to completing many of the functions of a traditional word processor, Google Docs provides even more capabilities that can be invaluable to educators. Here are ten tricks that can make your life easier with Google Docs:

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Cultivating a Trusting Environment

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Cultivating a Trusting Environment - One way to tangibly cultivate a sense of trust in the classroom is to ensure that the physical environment reflects trust. For example, the seating arrangement of a class sends an immediate message of trust or distrust. Sitting in rows (all facing the teacher at the front) or a U-shaped arrangement (everyone facing inward) each says something different about how much the teacher trusts the students. One approach says, "I have to have you all looking at me at all times," and the other says, "Let's learn together." Compare these two:

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

10 tips for better slide decks | TED Blog

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5 Priorities For Transformative Schools

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5 Priorities For Transformative Schools - Imagine this scenario. All 50 states approve the Common Core State Standards and, in an unprecedented burst of transnational cooperation, 50 other countries adopt the same standards. Miraculously, the world now operates according to a single set of learning outcomes. The media reports an astounding development: A resolution co-sponsored by the U.S., China, and Finland has been introduced to amend the UN Charter by including the (newly named) Common Core International Standards as the learning goals for the 21st Century. Yay, the CCIS have triumphed!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

14 ways to think about good teaching: A useful PD exercise

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14 ways to think about good teaching: A useful PD exercise - Much of my educational career has been spent in teaching or observing teachers. I also had the incredible opportunity of attending many wonderful professional development sessions with outstanding presenters, and working with some amazing educators over many years.

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Happy Teaching, Happy Learning: 13 Secrets to Finland’s Success | Impatient Optimists

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50 Ways To Challenge Yourself As A Teacher

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Seven Ways to Keep Informational Text Engaging

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Two Politically Incorrect Ways To Improve Writing - Edudemic

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Surprising Trait At Google Of Best Leaders - Business Insider

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'You have permission to break the rules,' Bice tells educators at statewide conference |

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School-Wide Twitter Chats | Edutopia

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Here's Why Simply Going To School Makes Some Brilliant Kids Think They're Not At All Smart

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'You have permission to break the rules,' Bice tells educators at statewide conference |

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Life of an Educator: About Me

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